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Game Name : Driver
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-21 06:08:03
Views : 13612

Cheat :
Enter one of the following names at the high score screen to activate the corresponding cheat function.

NJW280172 = Fast Cars
WAC271074 = No Police
RUS3L = God Mode
TMR300866 = Credits
ANJW16696 = Start as Wanted Person

Skip Training Missions
Can''t complete the Training mission in Driver for the PC, but want to play the game?

Make a copy of the file DRIVER\DATA\MLADDER.DML first!

Edit the DRIVER\DATA\MLADDER.DML file in Notepad or a similar text editor.
Remove the two lines:


Save the file, then you can start Driver and go straight to the missions!!

WARNING: Before attempting any edits, please make a backup of your Driver files.

Change Weather (edit)
First, go into Windows Explorer. Go to the file where "Driver" is located (usually "GT Interactive") Press the plus sign on "GT Interactive" Then press the plus sign on "Driver" Then press the plus sign on "Scripts" and then click on Missions. You will then see all of your missions listed. The easiest one to modify is "mission1dms." which is at the upper left-hand corner. Click it. You then will see a box with different icons and words in it. Scroll down to "notepad". Click that and press ok. This file displays everything for "mission1" or the bank job. Note: Always make a backup of this file before any changes are made. Scroll down to "FelonyBarId 195". Under that put any of the folowing, or all of them:


Choose your car (edit)
First, go into Windows Explorer. Go to the file where "Driver" is located (usually "GT Interactive") Press the plus sign on "GT Interactive" Then press the plus sign on "Driver" Then press the plus sign on "Scripts" and then click on Missions. You will then see all of your missions listed. The easiest one to modify is "mission1dms." which is at the upper left-hand corner. Click it. You then will see a box with different icons and words in it. Scroll down to "notepad". Click that and press ok. This file displays everything for "mission1" or the bank job. Note: Always make a backup of this file before any changes are made. Scroll down to "PlayerCarType 0" Change the "0" (zero) to any of the following. (The codes will only work for the mission you are modifing).

0-Orignam Car
1-Crew Cab Pickup
2-"Luxury" /Pimp Coupe
3-Sports Coupe
4-Camaro? (Fast)
7-Cadillac Sedan
10-L.A.P.D. Caprice Cruiser (Horn activites light and sirens)
11-Cadillac? Coupe
14-Cadillac Sedan
15-Error - DO NOT USE
16-Jaguar (CrazyFast: 170+)
17-''55 Thunderbird (CrazyFast)

Extra Track
Once you beat the game a new level will become available.

Invincibility (edit)
First, go into Windows Explorer. Go to the file where "Driver" is located (usually "GT Interactive") Press the plus sign on "GT Interactive" Then press the plus sign on "Driver" Then press the plus sign on "Scripts" and then click on Missions. You will then see all of your missions listed. The easiest one to modify is "mission1dms." which is at the upper left-hand corner. Click it. You then will see a box with different icons and words in it. Scroll down to "notepad". Click that and press ok. This file displays everything for "mission1" or the bank job. Note: Always make a backup of this file before any changes are made.Scroll down and take out the lines:

MaxPlayerDamage 24576 file://(0 ->4096*6 is range)

Reach 204mph (edit)
First of all, you must select the Jaguar (Car Type 16) using the "choose your car code". Start game as normal. Find a nice long road and build your speed up to around 100-110mph. Release the accelerator and HOLD down the cruise control key (C is the default.) Instead of slowing down to cruise speed, you will continue gaining speed.

Unlock all cheats (edit)
To get all cheats edit the file DRIVER\DATA\MLADDER.DML (WARNING- BACKUP that file first so if you mess it up you can still play the game) delete everything above "#President render RENDER 70" except the header. Then start the game as normal choose a new game and credits will come up along with a video to the left. Press ESC and goto cheats and there they are.

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